I met this girl at a marketing event since then we’ve been getting to know each other as friends. We have been texting and calling each other till 3am for 4 weeks.

A big red flag is that she lied to me about deleting her instagram account when in reality she made a new one and blocked me from it. instead she said lets talk over snapchat. With instagram i can see when she’s active. Her excuses were that she spends to much time watching reels, which I don’t believe she made a new account and lied to me that she permanently deleted her socials. We had such a good vibe going on we would talk allot. And i really think she was a good person

I hate people who lie and can’t stand people who have different motives. What led to this was today apart regular bants i decided to tell her how i felt and how i only talk to girls for long term relationships and not short term boredom solutions. I think she block me to get me out of her system so she isn’t reminded of who i’am or of me.

She still talks to me over snap, but i think i should cut my losses its a shame other then this she was a good girl.

I dont know what to do should i confront her or should i cut my losses and block her and move on.
Please hell i don’t what route to take.

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