Lately I feel like I’m bored of everything. I usually just wake up, go to work, go to the gym and hangout at home with family. Even on the weekends when I have free time I just sit around all day.

I started reading last year and read close to 70 books, but now I don’t feel like reading anymore. I watch Netflix for 5 mins and I turn it off because I get bored. All my friends are also busy so we barely hangout.

Anyone else feel this way? What do you do to fix it?

  1. How is your phone usage? Is there anything in your life that hyperstimulates you that takes the edge of the rest? For most people this is doomscrolling, porn etc

  2. I definitely go through phases where I feel this way–particularly this time of year when the holidays are over but summer stuff hasn’t started yet, and it’s gray and rainy out a lot of the time (at least where I live). One thing that helps me is to start planning my next vacation or even a short getaway. Having something to look forward to helps.

    That said, this feeling is also a sign of depression. It’s fine to wait and see if it resolves on its own–for me it usually does–but I’d say if it lasts more than a few months it might be time to start considering some options to treat it.

  3. I go for walks as a way to break the pattern. I can do it whenever, and it usually gives me some sort of new impressions.

    The point isn’t the walk. The point is to break the pattern and then find a new path – something new (or old) to do that gives me excitement.

  4. It’s okay to not fix it. Your mind is telling you to turn down. Listen to it because eventually life will bring you what you need to liven up again.

    Boredom breeds inspiration

  5. Shrooms, testosterone, travel, running, talking/flirting with beautiful women IRL, trying out a new hobby, enjoying a hobby I am very good at. I’ve used each one of these at some point to help remind me that life is an awesome adventure. Also get the frick off the internet.

  6. I feel the same, Man. I used to have a consistent group of really close friends who kept in regular contact and frequently got together. I was going out a lot, attending events, doing a variety of stuff. Life felt interesting and enjoyable for the most part. Now the people I consider close friends are hundreds of miles away and my local friends feel more like acquaintances who I only see a few times a month. I mostly sit around at home playing video games alone. Even when I do things that I used to really enjoy, it usually feels more like I’m just filling time. I wish I knew how to fix it.

  7. Find someone who needs help. We are social animals. After you’ve made it, the only way to further improve is to lift others up.

    My favorite analogy is about a house. If you’re poor and your whole family is sleeping in a 1-room studio apartment, you definitely need more rooms. But after constructing/acquiring 3 or 4 bedrooms, you’re done. More rooms won’t help you. If you want to improve your situation, you need to start looking into neighborhood crime rates and school rankings.

  8. If you already workout, change it. Join a fitness community and meet new people; CrossFit, BJJ, boxing, Muay Thai, yoga and MMA are all group classes. Try different things, bounce around. If you don’t like any of them, at least you’ll be excited to get back into your old routine; like after a long trip.

  9. I’m in the same boat. It’s been real difficult to not just slide down a slippery slope to alcoholism and slowly turning into a potato as I wait for the motivation/inspiration/desire to get up and force interest in something. I used to think that maybe I just had too many interests and it was overwhelming to find focus, but lately it has become more apparent that I just don’t care enough about anything and can’t feel the spark that ignites passion or engagement to pursue things further. You could try therapy, it works for a lot of folks, but isn’t a guaranteed success, and may even make things worse under the wrong person. I don’t have a solution for my own problems or anyone else, but it’s definitely an issue affecting dudes that probably doesn’t get as much notice as it should.

  10. Live a little more dangerously. Go on rock climbing trips, go sky diving, get a motorcycle etc. Boring lives, even if peaceful, can be boring.

  11. Set new goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve?

    You already hit the gym. Do you have a new PR you want to break? You want to run 5K? Get abs? Get jacked? Maybe you’re already super fit. You want to learn a new sport so you can use all that athletic ability? Maybe you’re not even that fit. Doesnt matter. You can still pick up a sport just for the fun of it

    You read a lot so what do you want to learn about? Learn a new language? Pick up some cook books and learn new recipes? You don’t have to use books either. You can learn through YouTube and just trial and error

    >All my friends are also busy so we barely hangout.

    Yea you’re gonna see your friends less and less when you get older. So you better find some hobbies that are a little more fulfilling than watching Netflix

    I go to the gym, I play tennis and basketball. I have a dog that loves to go jogging with me outside. I race cars and go karts. I also have a sim racing rig to practice at home.

    Before I got married and had a kid, I also did volleyball, badminton, boxing, hip hop dance classes, golfing.

    Try as many new things as you can while you have the free time. You will eventually have to cut down to just a few of your favorite hobbies when you have a family

  12. Find something new and novel to do. Your mind is probably bored of doing the same thing all the time and is craving novelty. I just went on holiday for the first time in a decade and feel like a new person because I finally decided to leave my rut. You could pick up a new hobby or take on a project around the home, given that travel is not an option for everyone.

  13. Depression often doesn’t show up as deep sadness, it can just be overall apathy. Find a way out, we all have phases we’re we end up feeling like you are at the moment. Just know that it won’t just fix itself one day, itll only get worse.

    For me it was meditation and prioritizing presence. Once you really start breaking through with this, everything will start feeling new to you, its like being a kid again.

    This might not be the right path for you right now, but keep trying things and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone until you figure it out. The longer you stay in this slump, the harder it’ll be to get back out. Remind yourself of that. There will be a reoccurring voice in your head telling you to just chill, to not try that new thing, that it won’t work etc. Make it a daily practice to detach yourself from that voice and to do what you know you need to do anyway

  14. Switch it up, dude! Big wide world out there. Commit to getting up early one Saturday (or whenever your day off is) and going somewhere/doing something completely new.

    You’re allowed to think it’s stupid, you’re allowed to feel like it’s a waste of time and/or money, but you have to go and do it anyway.

  15. How old are you? Im 36 and I feel like I haven’t felt the feeling of “boredom” for years.

    My life consists of work days flying by due to the busy and chaotic nature of my job, then my weeknights hanging out or playing games with friends, then the weekends spending time with my girlfriend. If anything I wish I had some downtime enough to feel bored, but even if I had some “downtime” it would be packed with the backlog of things I need to do.

  16. There is nothing quite like spending some of your free time helping out those that are less fortunate than you and are struggling, orphans, widows, the poor etc.

    ”Better to go to the house of mourning Than to go to the house of feasting, For that is the end of all men; And the living will take it to heart. Sorrow is better than laughter, For by a sad countenance the heart is made better. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, But the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.“

  17. Any chance you can do stuff outside? Like literally anything. I’ve found even menial tasks that require me to be outside just improve my mood. I work in my patio when I can do much to the point I bought portable external monitors. But a day where I spend the afternoon outside, even working, is great

  18. I’m kind of the opposite. So many things I want to do and so little time. I don’t think I’m ever bored for more than a few seconds. Usually it’s more me reminding myself I need to take a break and relax.

  19. I feel this, but usually only during winter. And considering winter easily lasts around 6 months where I live, it tends to be cyclical. Right now I feel I’m in the home stretch – one more month or two to go.

  20. Did we used to fill this time with hanging out with friends?

    No video games really appeal to me anymore..

    Kinda Same boat as you just gym – family – anime /audio book / reading

    I feel like I should make some new friends but also can’t be bothered 😅

  21. I’m picking up new hobbies and hoping one of them will hit that interest itch I used to have about things.

  22. I just bought a guitar a few weeks ago for this reason. It’s been a hell of a lot of fun.

    Before that I was playing with game development and electronic music production. I have to have a hobby or I get crazy bored and adhd just glues me to social media which is bad for the mental health.

    Also computer hacking, technically part of my job in cybersecurity but I’ve made a hobby out of it too since it’s kind of like solving puzzles.

    Lockpicking is another fun one – you can do it at your desk while you work. Kind of starts to feel like a stress ball or fidget toy but it has practical application.

    Cycling through hobbies is fine too. No need to master something, just have fun. You learn shit from every hobby that stacks up and applies elsewhere.

  23. Play rust with the boys

    I started fishing like 5 years ago and I do that all the time now. It is easy to burn 4 hours at the lake on my kayak after a day at work

  24. Try new hobbies. Particularly ones that either get you out of your house or ones that you do with a group. For me, I was able to find a group that played D&D regularly every week, which gave me something to do and do with others. That sense of community is really important. I also joined my church’s choir which served the same need of needing to be included in a group. Find a local place that caters to the new hobby and make it a point to go there. Climbing gyms, game shops, whatever. It’s about getting involved with a group.

    Also, don’t discount that you might have depression. Bring it up with your doctor and take it from there. It’s not uncommon to be depressed without what would normally be considered depressed feelings. Just losing interest in things you used to like, or just letting the world roll on and procrastinating all the time or doing the bare minimum can also be signs.

  25. Challenge yourself. Push yourself way past your comfort zone. Take a 2 week bike ride, learn something really hard, try to do something interesting or cool. Boring is boring.

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