For context, hubby (25M) and I (25F) both come from socially-conservative backgrounds, I guess me more than him. I’m Spanish and he’s White.

We were high school sweethearts and very PDA-esque in HS like most kids are. I was raised against PDA but because my parents were A-holes, I only saw him in school. Anyways, this means he never really saw that side of my culture.

Fast forward to now, we’re married and I feel the PDA conflict has really been rearing its head recently. My husband seems to take it personally that I’m not into PDA, yet I take it personally that he’s nonchalant about it.

To be clear, we hold hands, he holds my waist as we walk, yet I’m not comfortable kissing/embracing/cuddling in front of other people. I’m fine with kissing and all that in the car or something, just not inside a facility because I feel it’s disrespectful of others (he disagrees).

Tonight 9:45pm, we had a specific run in with other people’s PDA. My husband didn’t notice…side note, he never pays attention the his surroundings, he got hit by a bike on the sidewalk the other day coming directly towards him. I’m pretty paranoid so I’m always hyper-vigilant. While my husband was doing his 10 pull-ups, another couple was talking, embracing, and kissing a few feet away from my husband. It made me extremely uncomfortable but I didn’t say anything since my hubby always makes it sound like I’m unreasonable for my stance so I imagine other people would be annoyed too. He said it wouldn’t have bothered him (of course).

Am I unreasonable for being upset about this? Even bigger question to which I’m asking very seriously, is this going to compound into a really big deal in our marriage? I’m not seeking validation, so feel free to free to hit me with a blunt answer.

I’m very distressed by this difference, mainly because we both seem so strongly in opposite directions. Any thoughts appreciated, thanks.

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