Basically, i’ve been in my current role for 7 months, i’ve been interviewing for a role that would be a step up (£28k to £35k), but im not sure if I should take it because I havent been in my current role that long since a short stint might look bad on my CV… basically, I dont want it look like I cant hold a job.

  1. Do it. If anyone asks in future just say it was a temporary role. Don’t turn down a £7k pay rise because you think it might look bad in future.

  2. If you’ve been offered the new role and are in a position to accept it, and it’s better for you then go for it.

    I know people who’ve only stuck with certain jobs for a short amount of time and have moved on quickly. Totally normal.

  3. There is no reason not to. Any future employee would see that is a reasonable choice.

  4. Over 6 months is ok, anything less might rise some suspicion but its not a bad thing if a job is offering you more money especially if its about 25% pay rise

  5. You need to do what is best for you.

    Personally I would take it. I couldn’t be sure if I would have a chance for that kind of step up again so would jump at it.

    Remember you don’t owe loyalty to an employer. And it’s a common enough thing these days to progress up the corporate ladder sideways (moving up by changing companies)

  6. If the person offering you the job doesn’t care about the short stint, then you probably shouldn’t either.

  7. Go for it. Having a short stint on your CV is not a red flag but having several in a row can be.

  8. As someone who has shortlisted through many, many applicants and interviewed, if we see someone has been somewhere for a short period of time, but took a pay rise for their next role, it wouldn’t be questioned at all. You want promotion, you want progression, that’s all it shows. If you were going sideways every 6-12 months and they weren’t temping positions, maybe there’d be questions asked but certainly not if you have a pay progression.

    Like other people have said, do what’s best for you 🙂

  9. Surely if anyone in future asks, you explain it was a 28% pay increase and they won’t bat an eyelid.

  10. Your current company wouldn’t think twice about making you redundant if it suited them 🤷🏻‍♂️

  11. I left education in 2016 and since then have only had one job for more than a year and am coming up to a year in my current job. In my defence I’ve never quit a permanent contract. I’ve been made/threatened with redundancy more than once and had a few temp contracts.

    I’d go for your offer.

  12. Do it. I have just accepted a new job in my field after 12 months in my current one with a considerable pay rise. The job market is hot at the moment. I used to think like you but I’m now selfish and put myself first – how it should be. Gone are the days of employee loyalty, most people don’t stay in a single place for more than 2-3 years and guess what, employers don’t care as much as you think they do.

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