Hey everybody, so after going through a tough break up and finally gaining the courage to get back out there I decided to go to a speed dating event.

I just wanna ask if you lovely people of Reddit have any hints, tips or advice for a very nervous and fairly shy guy like myself?!

1 comment
  1. Speed dating is fast pace, obviously, so you don’t need a lot of topics to bring up for the conversation to flow. Have three topics ready and ask each “date” the same topics/questions that way you won’t be as nervous to think of something on the fly. Maybe have a “script” ready like “hi I’m ____, I enjoy ____ in my free time. I work as a(n) _____ and have for ___ years. I think my favorite part of my job is _____ because _____. So, what is a hobby you enjoy? Is there any hobbies or interests you’ve picked up over quarantine? “. A small insight into who you surface level but short enough to also hear what your “dates” will say. Dress presentable, don’t wear a tux or a costume because this is suppose to be laid back. Make sure your clothes are clean and you smell nice. You don’t have to necessarily empress people with your clothes, speed dating is about getting to know someone surface level. Everyone will be nervous, you’re all strangers so it’s ok! Just be flexible!

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