For example, I know a lot of teenage boys think that being on the high school football team will help them have more success with the ladies.

But doing track/cross country is where it’s at. A lot of fit, athletic girls end up doing track and cross country, and often times the girls and boys teams hang out a lot together for events and practices. The cross country and track teams tend to be very “incestuous” in that regard.

Nevermind that getting into running as a sport and hobby will not only do good things for your health, but if you stick with it as an adult, you’ll probably find yourself in the company of other fit and athletic people.

Also, you’re much less likely to suffer serious injuries than with football. My good friend still suffers joint pain from playing high school football.

TL;DR: I’d tell my teenage self that doing track/cross country is way better for you in the long run than playing football

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