I’m a Gorgonzola guy at the end of the day.

  1. Swiss is my go to standard cheese but smoked gouda, pepper jack, and jarlsberg all slap.

  2. Why limit yourself to one? The world is your cheese plate!

    Cheddar and good old stabilized American for butgers, feta or blue for salads, Parmesan on your pasta, baked Brie anyone????

    To anyone who puts me in a cheese box I say no! I will not be limited to one cheese! 

  3. A salty parmesan, smoked gouda, aggressively sharp cheddar, muenster….man how much time do you have?

  4. I love it so I will take the platter! But if I had to pick one it would be a blue cheese. Stilton or royal stilton maybe but gorgonzola is great.

    I used to get this robusto cheese from Whole Foods which was ridiculously good too. I think it is aged gouda.

  5. I’ll eat just about any cheese depending on what else I’m eating with it. I particularly like feta, smoked Gouda, manchego , Maytag Blue, and various varieties of cheddar among others. The best cheese I’ve ever had was a raw milk Gouda my chef mentor somehow got past customs when he came back from a trip to Holland. These days if I’m recommending a good cheese that’s readily available at good cheese shops in the U.S. I’ll probably suggest Humboldt Fog.

  6. A 3 year old aged cheddar cheese with salt veins(calcium lactate) paired with a good Pinot Noir. One of the best I ever had came out of Argentina but those are hard to find as they make less than 1% of all Pinot Noirs. I found that one at a high end Cincinnati steakhouse

  7. *You know that old children’s tale from the sea. It’s like you’re dreamin’ about Gorgonzola cheese when it’s clearly Brie time, baby.*

  8. Weird stuff like habanero pepper jack or ghost pepper gouda. Usually spicy cheese with hot peppers in it.

  9. American singles.

    Because I’m a fuckin’ patriot!

    (It’s actually fresh mozzarella)

  10. I’m not much of a cheese guy. The majority of my cheese consumption comes from pizza, hamburgers, and grilled cheese sandwiches. So mozzarella, and individually wrapped American “cheese” slices make up most of my consumption.

  11. Depends on what I’m using it for.

    But if it’s just for eating as is, I’d say squeaky cheese curds. Burrata a close second, then Gruyere, then Parmesan, then smoked cheddar.

  12. For regular, sandwich consumption I’d have to say American but I ***LOVE*** cheese and there aren’t many I won’t eat.

  13. I love gouda. Murray’s has a honey goat cheese that’s absolutely crazy good.

  14. I love all cheeses, but if only allowed one, it would be pepper jack. Versatile and a nice surprise in recipes, satisfying alone.

  15. Pimento cheese dip, y’all! Put that shit on a ritz ass cracker, top with a bread and butter pickle chip and a slice of prosciutto, then come holler atcha boy. Adding a couple drops of hot sauce wouldn’t hurt. You’re welcome from Virginia.

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