Alright gentlemen, a few weeks ago, I approached one of my best friends to tell him I had big feelings for him. After giving him a little time and space, he called me to tell me that I’m everything he’s looking for in a relationship, and he thinks we would have something beautiful, but he doesn’t feel that the romantic element is there anymore. We had been romantic previously but it fell apart because I was traveling, so we came back together as very close friends and until this past month we’ve spoken almost daily for a year. He’s said a number of other things about me/us over the course of that time that could literally be put into poetry if someone wanted to.

I know it’s not going to happen, but I’m trying to wrap my mind around his decision because it’s a little confusing to be told so many beautiful things and then have a man act the opposite.

So I’m curious….how quickly do you lose romantic feelings for someone you speak to daily/confide deeply in, especially if you admit that someone is everything you’re looking for in a relationship?

Hope all you lovely men are hangin in there.

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