He will randomly text me “\[my name\], we need to talk…” or “\[my name\], I need to tell you something….” and then follow up with like “we need more laundry detergent” or “I miss you” or something dumb and never serious. We’ve been together for a year and lived together for about 4 months and I told him months ago that I do not like when he addresses me like that because it’s stressful and it spikes my cortisol levels and makes me feel off for a while afterwards. He says “I was just jokinggg” and then stops for a while but always does it again eventually.

It bothers me more now when he does it because I’ve told him how it makes me feel.

He will also do things like call me and say “ill be home in an hour” and then walks in the door 5 minutes later saying “I was just joking.” It’s almost like he just wants to throw me off guard. He used to make really dumb fucked up jokes about having an open relationship or jokes about thinking my friends are hot and he actually stopped those when I told him how much it bothered me but he isn’t stopping with the other ones. I need advice on how to approach it because asking him to stop hasn’t stopped him but idk if this is grounds for ending a relationship.

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