My boyfriend and I have been together for a couple of years. He’s a great partner who I genuinely cannot have lucked out any better with.

We’re at a point in our lives where both our careers are going full speed, which is a good thing but involves hectic hours and schedules. He works nights, I work days which also land on his two days off. We don’t live together as we’re trying to save up instead of renting for a *hefty* amount of money where we live. We live like 45 minutes each other, so it is not a long distance relationship lol but it feels like a long (short) distance relationship because we hardly get to see each other. Most of the time at least a week without seeing each other. It’s been like this for about six months but the “distance” is starting to get to me now more than ever.

It doesn’t help that when I’m going to sleep, he’s waking up and vise versa so we hardly even text or talk. He’s not good at texting but will call when he wakes up. By the time we see each other the things that happened to him and I are no longer fresh in our minds and he’s adjusting to a normal day schedule for his two days off but is tired or I am because I get out of work drained so we don’t really go on dates much. Basically, we hardly converse and I think that’s the most frustrating part.

Today I had a coworker send me a message because they noticed I was working late asking “it’s almost 8, why are you still working? You must be tired, you should rest.” And honestly that itself made me think wow. It felt nice that they reached out and asked me that. As silly as that sounds, I miss that from my boyfriend. I like talking and getting asked questions, as minuscule as it may be. We’re only miles apart but it feels like we’re completely different time zones, because we kinda are.

I don’t want to end things over this. I just don’t know how to go about it without seeming needy or being inconsiderate of his schedule. What are ways this could get better or how to approach him with how I’m feeling?

TL;DR: Distance and lack of communication/conversation in my relationship has me feeling down. Not sure how to improve the situation or how to approach my boyfriend with how I’m feeling.

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