I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year(both 24y) , we have a long distance relationship and see each other every 2 months, but yet he has never penetrated me, we only do oral, he says he doesnt feel comfotable and that it hurts, but he has never gone to the doctor or something to get it fixed or even try it again to see if he can do it, he just wont do it. I didnt have a lot of problem with it until he started to ask me for things I dont feel comfortable with and getting mad at me if I say no, one example is he asks me for nudes or videos when we are apart and gets mad if I say no, like he will stop talking to me, same if we are together and he wants to do oral and I dont, he gets mad and stops talking to me. All of this has led to me feeling pressured for every sexual act and I have stopped wanting to do it, I just dont feel like doing it anymore because I know that if I say no he will get mad, and what I hate the most is that I really want him no penetrate me but never guilt shame him for it, but yet he does that to me.

What do u think? I’ve tried to explain it to him but he just puts himself as the victim saying that if I’m like this it will even be harder for him to do it, saying we have lost the spark cause I dont send him nudes or sext him. I feel like I just dont want to do anything sexual anymore and its really hard for me. Am I wrong? Has anyone have had this problem?

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