I’m (23M) in an interestingly structured group of 4, where I’m close to a couple guys and the fourth guy is closer to them too. In the past this would result in myself and the fourth guy basically competing to hang out with the other two. We’ve done more things as a quartet recently so I just figured that we were basically one group at this point. However, I found out that they’ve been doing things together without telling me which kind of hurts. I was trying to get their opinions on doing something special for our weekly game night, and when I called I found out that they were at a coffee shop together. This stung a lot because I love going to coffee shops, and I’m thinking about calling one of them later to ask why I wasn’t invited. I’ve been questioning whether the fourth guy dislikes me for some reason, but the other day he said he likes hanging out and wanted to do more stuff together so I’m just confused about what’s going on. Thoughts?

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