uncut virgin 21m here, does anyone else have this problem where when you insert it and the foreskin starts to rolls back, it feels very uncomfortable and weird. like when i beat it i’m used to gripping the shaft from the bottom and squeezing up. i can pull it back and wash that sensitive part underneath in the shower no problem. but i tried hooking up twice and both times i couldn’t stay hard at all because the foreskin kept rolling back. like when it pulls back too far i get soft because it’s a very uncomfortable feeling. also for some reason any sort of friction always leaves some red marks on that part of the skin afterwards like it’s hypersensitive or something. i have read that some guys have an issue where their foreskin doesn’t go back naturally when hard and kind of just covers the head and frenulum so they don’t feel much sensitivity and they can’t finish. i really wish i had this “problem”, my foreskin is the opposite and it feels very sensitive when that sensitive foreskin gets exposed. do all uncut people have this problem or just me? any advice?

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