for the past year i really stopped caring about life in general and really just sleep (im not depressed if anything just tired in a way that sleep doesn’t help) that being said i dont take initiative or really stand out because i could be minding my business instead but i constantly get told im caring or empathetic when in reality i genuinely don’t like people or anything to do getting up out of bed. im naturally an angry person and in an aggressive mindset but i dont care enough to display it. i’ve also been called nonchalant but after i looked it up i leaned it meant people who care but don’t show it, so now im curious if there’s a reason people think i care when i dont do anything or show any reaction to get a response like that… im just repeating myself because im trying to stay up and typing whatever but its been on my mind lately and im not used to having a priority list on top of all of that a while back i tried to end myself awhile back and i was told i had depression by most people who knew but i didnt feel down i felt nothing after that incident my brain doesn’t have a priority list and that’s also around the time i stopped caring about things my value of life has gown down but like i said i don’t act on anything because its pointless and i don’t care enough to change my mindset

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