So Me M(23) and GF (22) have been together for 3 years and has been having sex on and off all 3 years. And to start off everything was going great I was lasting 45mins to an hour and having no issue of nutting fast. We had our first big argument about a year in and stopped having sex for almost 9 months. I would still perform oral on her and occasionally would get oral performed on me but not as nearly as much as I performed it on her. Then we slowly started to have sex again about 1-2 every 2 months but I was only lasting 10 mins, and it came up in a conversation we had and I told her why I haven’t been lasting long is because we haven’t been having sex and if we start having sex again regularly I would not have a problem any more and she just looked at my like “yea okay whatever”. And now almost 5 months after that convo we started having sex again. We have had it about 3-4 in the past month and a half and my stamina is getting better every time just not back to the 20 min mark yet.

And I just want to know if any other guy has had this problem and am I wrong for telling her we should try having more sex ? And for the guys is there anything I can do myself to help?

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