Ladies, what would you do to prevent another woman from being preyed upon in a workplace?

  1. I’m not sure what you mean by this. Warn her about the office creepers? Take lunch at the same time so that she isn’t alone? Push the office creepers out the window?

  2. Depends on what I could do. I can report it if I see it happening. I can warn her about any [missing stairs]( that I’m aware of in the company or industry. I can step in and call out harassment when I see it. I can vote for politicians who support protections for workers. I can support those who need it and bring awareness to the issues. That’s about it.

    Beyond that, I don’t really have much input or control over that kind of thing. It’s not something I can do much to prevent beyond my personal sphere of influence.

  3. When I worked in retail, I reported a regular customer for creeping on a younger coworker and making inappropriate comments, he was banned from the store.

  4. Encourage more places to have work from home options I guess? Those that can’t have those options, I guess encourage them to go to HR if it happens? That’s all I got.

  5. I would just keep an eye out for any creeps, and warn her if harassment was common at this place.

  6. If the company didn’t care that someone was preying on women, I’d report the matter to my state’s Labor Board and then find a good, private lawyer for myself. I’ve done it once before (with three co-workers) and I’d do it again. I’d absolutely go to the police if it reached a level where that was appropriate.

    I’m sick of protecting ourselves from harassment and assault. I’d rather oust and punish the men who are doing it.

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