TL;DR – I am in a LTR and miss being able to make selfish decisions. Is this normal?

I (27m) have been with my partner (24f) for almost 5 years. We have lived together for 3 years.
Before we lived together I had a couple of years of working full time and making decent money, and I could do whatever I wanted. I bought myself whatever I felt like, ate whatever I wanted, and spent my time before/after work doing whatever I felt like.

Now I feel like every choice I make has to accommodate her, and I feel like I’m missing out. I’m really into computers and gaming, but I dont get to buy the new hardware that comes out because she thinks it’s too expensive and not worth it. Most of my suggestions for meals during the weak get shot down because she doesn’t like what I want. On the weekends we do activities she likes, because she doesn’t like to spend much time doing my hobbies with me.

I have just been missing the freedom to make selfish choices. It feels like it’s been years since I was able to spend my money on things that I wanted, or cook the specific food I want, or to just come home after a long day at work and watch the movie I want to watch instead of something we have to agree on.

Is this normal? Is it a passing phase? Any advice from others would be great. I love my partner greatly, but I really do miss having the ability to do whatever I want at times.

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