Just telling a man to stop smoking, loose weight, be more active etc doesn’t work. Healthcare needs to change how it does business. As a Doctor I’m curious to know….

What are your health goals?

Is there anything that stops you from achieving your goals?

And, if you’ve achieved success, what helped you do it?

  1. If you can’t do the simple, no advice is going to help.

    If a man can’t hear something like “be more active” and take that to mean “get your ass off your couch and do something”. He’s not going to do anything to help himself and it’s not on healthcare or anyone else to give a shit.

  2. Before I start taking care of myself, I need hope that I’ll be happy in the future.

    I don’t want to live a long time if I’m just going to be miserable.

  3. Remain mobile/capable of caring for myself, and able to think/remember things normally at an old age before I die

  4. I exercise and work out to support my other activities tbh

    Since I like those other activities, it keeps me exercising and working out

  5. Stress is the underlying factor that keeps me from achieving my health goals. When I’m stressed, I smoke, eat fast food, and vegetate as a short term measure. Addressing stress first is key to having the head room to make behavioral changes that are good for my health.

  6. I wish that I looked good naked and could expect a long life of mobility and strength. But between stress eating/drinking and poor time management and regular life upheaval (and the general sense that it seems hopeless), I don’t put in the work.

  7. You need to set a deadline. Sign up for some sort of event, be it a run, cycle, crossfit competition, whatever. If you don’t have a scary deadline out there it’s easy to remain the same.

  8. I don’t want a lack of physicality to stop me from doing things. Lack of sleep and low or depressed moods where I can’t see through the fog to support myself or my future is the hurdles. = Sleep well, be in touch with your emotions and have a system to move through them when things are low.

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