People are so convinced that the next best thing is still out there and will totally throw you in the garbage despite how wonderful you are.

I’m so tired of men treating me like I’m second best entertainment and giving mixed signals. Oh you’re soooo interested in me? You think I’m cute? Oh, but the excuse to not hang out lingers? Then you ignore my texts? The fuck is this shit??

Be a man and be clear about what the fuck you want. I don’t mind the rejection, but don’t leave a gal wondering what she did wrong to be left on read. Life happens, sure. But people are too obsessed with their phones to just be all willy nilly with their communication.

I am tired of these bad guys, anyone can give me some suggestions about dating?

  1. It’s possible you’re trying to date too far up, going for the guys that give you tingles vs a good guy. If the guy sees YOU as the prize he won’t go anywhere, but you’re chasing guys all the girls think are the prize.

    I can promise you with 100% certainty, there are guys who would treat you right and want to commit, but they don’t excite you so you blame men for your choices.

  2. Agreed. Dating has gotten very bad for both men and women in today’s world. Sorry you have to deal with jerks!!

  3. I feel so dumb for even trying anymore honestly. These men just drag you along. If they don’t ask me out within 2 weeks top I unmatch.

  4. Some people always care sex, but not love. So do not be disappointed. It is not your fault. Maybe you should not find dating partners on these kind of apps. When you don’t chat deeply, you cannot get a man who really cares about your soul. If you really want to find friends or dating partners, maybe[Light Up]( is a good choice. There the system will match you with people sharing similar feelings or experiences with you.

  5. Bwahahahahahaha try being an average or below-average looking guy on the dating scene. Try being one of us who approaches women in person and has the apps, and doesn’t have much success with women these days.

  6. I suck at dating, but it seems like the people who are successful don’t really cater to the guy they like at all.

  7. I’m having the same issue and I agree it’s fucking wild out here. Nobody is up front, all games and mental fucks.

  8. I completely empathize with you! My recently failed relationship was awful! She would tell me I love you, say she wanted to get married, etc. But, her actions were 100% opposite. Our last couple weeks together, I would often take her out, go to the mall and tell her to snag some clothes and if buy… she was so shady about pretty much everything. After 5 months of her emotional and verbal abuse I finally snapped and said bye bye! It’s still hella hard for me but I know things will be better in time. I think the most horrible part is knowing I found evidence of her cheating and began turning shit on me like I’m not a loyal or loving partner.

  9. Online dating is bad…. Real bad, life should not be a argos catalogue or ‘I like you, I don’t like you, I like you etc’

    I strongly suggest if it starts to affect your self-esteem delete the apps because its not fair on yourself and the people your speaking to if your heart just isn’t in it.

    And yeah im a dude who’s had like 2 matches in a year but uts not about me in this Current situation, its not a dick measuring context on who’s suffering more. We should all as a collective start making 3rd spaces and genuine community in our lives

  10. Well that happens to men too, happened to me something like that with online dating. She was kinda obsessed with texting to me, I also liked dming with her, but she was never clear about her intentions despite the fact I asked her out thrice and she was always hesitating and then avoiding. She was kinda immature I guess, eventually we became pen pals, but after some months everything ended without much reason.

  11. As a bi, I can confirm that it’s equally bad w/ women 😭😭 I always get treated like second best I hate it here

  12. Women do the same thing. Online dating just difficult tbh. Good and bad of every gender.

  13. Well, that is normal for men who get a lot of attention from women. You are just one of many others.

    Aren’t women the ones who tend to say. “Why doesn’t he get the hints?” He leaves you on read, and he has no interest in hanging out with you. You don’t need more than that to know that he is not into you. It doesn’t matter what he says or how attractive he is. At best, you are a second or third choice.

    But it doesn’t matter what I say because that’s the kind of person you’re attracted to. So you will have to learn the hard way.

    I wish you th best of luck!

  14. I had my most success (if you can call it that) online dating from 2010 to like 2015. After that, it’s like everyone and everything started to change for the worse and attitude and perceptions and people get really weird nowadays. Also dating apps are now monetized to hell and f’d up with so many scammers and fake men and fake women.

    Modern day dating feels near impossible. I know good people are out there, especially with online dating, it’s absolutely possible. We no longer have the tools or the environment to succeed with it though.

  15. For one women always go for the bad boys. They find them irresistible. Unfortunately, they are just that, bad boys. These guys love playing with women’s emotions because they know they can. The reason they don’t call is because they know that that’s how they keep you on the hook.

    Next time pick a nice guy who will call you a thousand times a day and then you’ll toss him aside.

    It’s a vicious cycle. You just have to a good guy and work on it.

    You may have to settle for a nice guy if you really want peace on mind.

  16. I gave up on the apps bc they really are just out there to make money. They don’t want to help you on purpose. That takes away their profit.

  17. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think it’s about “the next best thing”. I think it comes down to people simply not being interested enough and having terrible communication. Where are you meeting these people, out of curiosity? Is it dating apps or are you meeting them organically?

  18. I agree with you on all of it, the grass is greener on the other side. As a male I hate feeling as an option or fallback plan and when they have a roster of potential dudes lined up. It makes me question dating and even getting back into it, but hey I can only speak for myself and experience I’ve had. communication is huge that’s why I always suggest meeting up or talking on the phone to see if there’s a connection or not.

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