The first time I met him, we had a casual conversation and he didn’t ask for my number. After a couple of weeks, I saw him and asked for his and ended up reaching out. We scheduled a time to meet and catch up as friends. We spent the whole day together and talked about almost everything.

He told me he’d let me know when he gets back after work travel. I didn’t hear from him until I saw him in my area and he immediately hugged me and asked if I wanted to do something. We planned to go for a run. We’ve spent the whole day together 3 times.

The problem now is I am very attracted to him and find him very adorable and his personality is exactly what I like. He’s very brilliant, kind, we have a similar sense of humor, cultured, and a good listener.

A few things that leave me feeling confused:

\- He doesn’t text first( We got each other’s number recently so that could be it), but when we plan something and he has to reschedule, he texts and lets me know and reschedule for the next day. Maybe he’s just being nice? I appreciate it though, cause some people won’t even let you know until last minute, so I appreciate him doing that.

\- He only texts to confirm plans and doesn’t sound playful or like someone who is into me. I know we are just friends, but it hurts lol. Sometimes I’d love to keep the conversation going, but never get to.

\- We recently took a trip together and at first, we were sitting close with our legs touching and he moved his leg away and faced it to the left. On our way back, I touched his arm as I was explaining something to him, but he didn’t flinch or remove my hand which I liked. When we go for walks I touch him and he doesn’t flinch or move away which is nice. I did notice he acted sacred the first time he touched my shoulder like he was scared of offending me. The truth is I don’t mind at all. I LOVE IT lol.

I did ask him if he was gay on our way back. We were talking about the lgbt community and I slipped it in to make sure he’s straight and I am not crushing on a man who I don’t have any chance with. He confirmed he was straight.

\- He recently showed me his apartment and how to play instruments and he did touch my hands as he was showing me and my heart was about to explode. I wanted it to last forever. We also played some games until he had to go. I was hurt cause I didn’t mind spending the whole day with him.

I want to add that every time we meet up, I go in for a hug, so anytime he sees me around he reaches out to hug me which feels so good and I love that it’s now a reflex action on his part lol. Makes me feel hopeful.

He always pays every time we go out. I recently treated him to something because he always pays whenever we go out. It felt weird, but I wanted to show him that I appreciate him as well.

I know he could meet someone else today which is why I am here asking because I don’t want to miss my chance (don’t know how else to put it. I already sound desperate lol).

So what can I do?

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