I 32F feel like I need to find more friends – I’ve never learned to make good friends.
It seems that people spend a lot of money to make friends.

I do well salary wise but I am financially responsible for parents & other family & have no savings. (Everyone in my family is dirt poor)

I absolutely hate to spend money on people that don’t need it. I don’t mind giving people time. I would rather have savings to help loved ones in desperate situations.

Is it even possible to develop friendships without showering them with gifts?

I hate recieving gifts as well. I am picky and due to growing up in scarcity- I don’t like to spend money on useless things. I hate the whole obligation part. I spend money on someone and they feel obligated to buy me something useless and so on.

I only expect time to hang out from friends. I don’t ask for favors unless it is a desperate situation – which is rare with me because I work so hard on trying not to bother ppl.

Am I doomed to be lonely because I have no money?

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