A bit of background and a bit of us:

I started University 2 weeks ago and met this girl from my class Chem E and we both seem to have an insane amount of chemistry (pun intended) we enjoy almost 99% of the same things, have done almost the same dumbshit, have the same values regarding life/death/relationships/private life and think almost the same way that it’s scary. Everyone in the Uni thinks that we are dating we spend all of the time (during uni) together we went for food 3 times already and prefer alone time rather than spending it with people in general.

The issues at hand:
Age gap 6.5 years (Me 26M she 19F)

Maybe the background she’s what could be consider poor and broken family and mine average (10 times her income btw believe it’s not much either way in my country) and very present family. Not an issue for me but maybe for her.

And the biggest one if things go bad we will have to see each other for 5 years if none of us fails/drops out.

Signs (? Not sure if that’s what this could be called):

Jealousy from both parts at the same things.

She wants to do tons of activities with me. Lately skydiving/rock climbing and she’s already planning “Our” exchange program.

We barely know each other for 9 days (in hours less than 35) and already have no boundaries “What’s mine is hers and what’s hers is mine”

We can touch each other anywhere (aside from private parts obviously) with full confidence. Also we already don’t care about each other’s saliva.

We have barely know each other for 9 days (13 counting weekends) and already miss each other during weekends (well tbh we already missed each other during the weekend after 2 1/2 days of knowing each other).

Today we were pretty bold with each other we showed our jealousy when we talked about other people and afterwards we had like a 10 second silence eye contact where we had an intense conversation with blinks where we might have confessed our feelings for each other, afterwards we went for a “moisturizing cream hunt” where we “accidentally” touched each other arms/hands like 50 times (no, I didn’t not counted them this time).

When we said our goodbyes we said it with 1 arm hug (bc I’m carrying a motorcycle helmet) and afterwards touched each other arms from top to bottom and kinda holded each other’s hands giving the sign that we don’t want to leave each other.

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