I recently went out with a guy and as we were sitting down and talking he gently reached over and brushed a few strands of hair out of my face. I thought it was the sweetest gesture and it was so innocent. Are there other moves that are similar? Men, is there an equivalent gesture that you really like?

  1. I can tell you the top momentum killer gesture that I experienced before meeting my gf, and that I still loathe to this day: the pat on the back hug. No better *pat* way to *pat* tell me that *pat* we’re just *pat* friends and I just spent money on a *pat* free meal for you

  2. A gentle touch on lower back while passing by is the first one that comes to mind for me. Although, maybe that is too explicit compared to what you are asking for?

    Face to face, stuff like leaning slightly forward, finding a chance to grab a guys wrist for a moment if he rests his hand on the table, playing with her hair while listening to him, all the while smiling brightly with her eyes, are pretty clear giveaways that the girl across the table likes you and enjoys the given moment with you. Think anything that makes the girl more feminine and cute works here.

    Then you have more suggestive stuff like a girl biting or touching her lip, which may imply desire to be kissed, or being outright horny. Knew a girl who was a nympho and she did this pretty much always a decent looking guy was around. It is odd catching a girl look at you as if she wanted to eat you, lol.

  3. Not a guy, but here are some things that work for me. Some more subtle than others, but all fairly innocent and sweet.

    – While chatting/flirting, look at their lips briefly and back into their eyes, then away. Then tuck your hair behind your ear or, if you really want to turn it up… bite your lip.

    – Lightly touch them on the arm while laughing, or (even better) on the leg.

    – Bump arms or hands while walking.

    – When you see him across the room and lock eyes, smirk just ever so slightly. You’ll know it works if he smiles back, and especially if he raises his eyebrows briefly.

    – Ask him to sit next to you at dinner instead of across from you.

    – If he’s wearing a tie, grab it and play with it/look at it while talking.

    – If you’re not ready to kiss, when you hug goodbye, use both arms and wrap them around his waist. You can keep them around him or loop them up onto his shoulder blades. Either way, put your face on his chest. Do not pat. Just hold him close, and for longer than a moment. But not too long. Like… a full breath or so.

    – Compliment him. Guys don’t get complimented enough. “I like your shirt,” or “you look nice today,” or “Your cologne smells nice” or, if relevant, remark on his muscles. A guy I’m interested in mentioned he’s been working out and joke about being the fittest guy ever. I was like “I did notice your biceps earlier…” with a smirk. He got a huge grin on his face and did the “accidentally bump into you while walking” thing.

    Actually, all of those are things that happened naturally with that guy. Now I’m smiling and can’t stop thinking about him. 🙂 It’s always best to let things happen when they feel right. Chemistry can’t be forced.

  4. Friendly reminder that physical contact on a first date **might not work for everyone**. I would absolutely hate if a stranger touched my face, my lower back or bumps my elbow while walking.

    Act with this information as you please.

  5. When ladies touch my arm–sometimes shoulder, sometimes bicep, sometimes forearm.

    Always appreciated.

  6. I like it when she absentmindedly touches my arm but then gives it a squeeze. It makes me feel like my hard work in the gym has been noticed and appreciated on some level.

  7. I’d hate for my hair to be touched on a first date 😭 I just want hand holding lol. Gives me frolicking vibes

  8. I don’t know. I can never tell if she’s into me or if she’s from Canada and is just being polite…

  9. Generally being open with body language. Facing you, not closing arms, leaning in, eye contact, etc.

    Touching someone is not body language as much as physical touch.

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