What is everyone’s thoughts or experience in dating older women?Obviously youth and beauty are connected.. BUT
But I’m 26, and I find I connect more with women around the age of 28-32.
I don’t think I would do a Long term relationship with a woman older than me, but I don’t know.

Here are some things that I like, and I would love everyone’s opinion:

1. They know what they want.
– If they’re looking for a LTR, I can tell right away. And sex usually is more casual, easier and enjoyable. They know what they like, they are comfortable with themselves usually.
– I can actually have a conversation with them.
– Some of the younger girls I date, I feel like our conversations are so shallow. I can only do it for so long before I get bored. After sex it’s so boring, even the movies and shows they watch. It’s stuff like the office or silly shows.
– They are more home bodies. They like their space and comfort, a good meal, the little things.
As I’m writing this, I’m realizing, maybe I’m just an old man now.
Anyways, thought I’d share.

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