I’ve been in a relationship for 2 years (in a couple months it will be, at least). We were talking about people we follow so I went into his instagram and looked through his following. Porn stars and more porn stars and more porn stars and more porn stars.

With recent and old pictures liked. None of them look the same as me (complexion/color wise) and they have a completely different body shape (where i’m lacking in all areas, they are extremely blessed in every area. Same thing on twitter, except it’s sex videos instead of near naked/very revealing modeling poses. I’ve been thinking about it ever since and it’s made me feel a bit insecure. We have an amazing relationship. I love him, he loves me.
He’s not cheating on me, he treats me great, we have a good sex life, always having fun, we have movie nights together, we go on dates. Perfect green flag. He tells me all the time that he loves me and how i’m shaped and how he would never trade me for anything else in the world. We have plans for our future, marriage, kids, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with our relationship right now.

I just… idk I feel weird about what I saw. I remember him urging me once to go to the gym work on my thighs and butt and a separate time we had a conversation about plastic surgery and he mentioned he wouldn’t care if I got breast enhancements. I just keep thinking about the dozens and dozens of female porn stars he follows that don’t look like me in the slightest. And how he was in the likes of all those photos.

I keep wondering if I’m overthinking it all. “Little man” goes up fine as soon as a show my shoulder (if you know what I mean) but those liked pictures and follows… Wondering how others view this.

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