TLDR: I just caught my mom sexting on Discord and while being married to my dad and she knows that I know. What do I do now?

So this just happened within the past oh couple of hours. I(22F) had just gotten home today for my small break (My college has Good Friday off) when my dad(51M) asked me to check my mom(42F)’s computer as she’s been acting suspicious. Like, closing browers when he walks into the room suspicious.

So I went onto her laptop (I know the password) and booted up her Discord. I found some… incriminating things and awful things. She’s talking to multiple people and lying to all of them. She has fabricated a different woman, a different life for all of them. I… wasn’t being sneaky enough and after I found the real incriminating stuff, like sexting and couple talk stuff and what not (I scrolled through so much and I was still in March and I have no idea where it began). We have two mobile homes and my room and my mom’s office is in the one that we used to all live in, and I tried to call my dad over, as I wasn’t willing to take pictures (though I was okay with taking pictures of the chat that had actual pictures? I don’t know, but something in my mind felt horrified when things were being described), and he couldn’t right away. I thought that it was my mom coming over so I quickly shut down her laptop (for the second time which is were I fucked up), but it was my dad. I tried to get back into her discord… which she had now logged out of through her phone.

She knows that I know and she probably knows that my dad knows as well… and I’m not sure what to do with all of this or what to say if she confronts me about it… Do any of you have any thoughts or advice? This is also not the first time she’s done this as she has done this before when I was really young.

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