So there’s a girl in my class. We been in the same class since the past 6 months. She has male friends as well and she’s really beautiful. At the start, I noticed that she would only steal glances at me and look away when I saw her looking. She would also talk casually to her male friends sometimes when I was around. As days passed I noticed that she would try to get near to me physically and also discuss about me with her female friends, I would hear her speak me name. And then one day she approached me, we had a short conversation on courses, nothing personal or casual, just a formal convo and then I left. A week later I saw her coming up the stairs and I said HEY but she ignored me completely, she didn’t even bother to look up (40% chance she didn’t hear me or didn’t know i was saying that to her, 40% chance she was caught off guard and was too shy to respond she’s actually shy, 20% chance she listened and ignored). After that she would just give me hard no-shame expressionless stares from afar only and again talk super casually to her male friends around me this has been going on ever since. She would also try to get into my line of view when I was around. What does it mean?

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