So For Context – I’m 18M , I’ve noticed that I barely fall in love with girls my age
I’ve noticed the girls I wish to date are 7-12 years older than me
The first girl I really found my ideal type was 12 years older to me
After no chances the 2nd was again nearly 10 years older to me and again after I realised there are no chances I’m slowly falling for a girl who’s 8 years older to me
I know I sound weird but that’s just what’s happening with me
Some of these girls got married too and I felt like a loser for not having them
I introspected and realised that maybe these older girls are a bit caring than any girl of my same age and I have grown in a bit neglected situation so maybe I enjoy company of those women who are supportive , uplifting and understand us better and are full of life and obviously such traits I won’t be getting in a similar aged girl I’d want to date
What should I do ? Consult a professional? Or accept the reality and look for such partners without worrying about it ?
Pls give your valuable suggestions and advices 🙏

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