I’ve been on numerous dates over the past year, yet none of them evolved into a relationship. Today, however, I experienced something extraordinary. I went on a date with a girl I met on Hinge, and it was pure bliss. We held hands, hugged, and cuddled, creating a magical atmosphere. Throughout the date, both of us were blushing with happiness. Despite the enchanting connection, I made it clear to her that when I’m involved with someone, my focus is solely on them. Unfortunately, the same doesn’t apply to her, as she intends to continue using Hinge and may explore other dates. Nevertheless, I’m seeing her again tomorrow. We’ve been in touch for over a week, engaging in extensive texting conversations.
So the question is – Is it normal to have these type of feelings after only one date and have the feeling + hope that maybe we’ll have a relationship?

  1. Yes, it is normal but you want to protect yourself especially if it’s not a mutual feeling. She even said that she wants to continue using Hinge so this is where you’ll have to stand out compared to the rest. You have another date, so focus on having like a fun date and try talking on the phone instead of texting … it will help you stand out more.

  2. For me, it is very normal to be smitten with someone I have great chemistry with. There is a certain excitement and alure to it. NRE (new relationship energy) is a helova drug. Just see it for what it is.

  3. It’s normal to catch feelings, but look into what limerence is.

    You don’t know her nearly enough to know if you actually feel this way about her. It’s just an image that you have in your head that most likely doesn’t match reality.

    I had the same experience with a girl recently, and we got into a pretty toxic relationship because of this. I wouldn’t let go of the image I had of her on the first few dates we had when she was clearly a horrible person (that was a full 180 from the person I thought she was).

  4. Oh definitely! You are experiencing that “New Relationship Energy”. Suck it all in and enjoy the ride 💖

  5. It’s normal to have feelings for someone very quickly but you want to be careful about emotionally attaching yourself to someone you’ve just met.

    I’ve just had my first date in a few years last week and although I’m very much interested in continuing to date this woman I’ve no illusions that my good feelings towards her are some kind of signal that our relationship is going to be a masterpiece of any kind. It just means that as of right now, I’d like to keep seeing her.

    You should take a break from texting her. Speaking too much outside of actually spending time with the person can build up a façade of who she wants you to think she is rather than who she actually is. Take things slow and if you both still like each other after you’ve hung out a few times, then start thinking about whether or not you want to take things seriously.

    Also given that she’s stated her intent to keep exploring her options I wouldn’t put too much faith in your feelings being reciprocated. It sounds as though she still enjoys the superficial validation of being noticed by many guys above a deeper connection with one person so unless she changes her mind on that you’ve no guarantee you’ll have your feelings reciprocated.

    Date her again. But keep a reign on your fantasies.

  6. So, you clearly have a boundary of seeing one person at a time, but you’re willing to see someone who isn’t? And you’re crazy about her? I smell heartbreak in air…

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