For a while, I had issues with a long distance friend cuz I was always texting or reaching out for the past year. Well, we talked on facetime and I just brought it up to them and they told me in general, keeping up is hard cuz they have a lot in life but mentioned others have brought this to their attention, so its not just me and they consider me a good friend and said they acknowledged it has been one sided and they should be more reciprocal in our friendship and said if I didn’t talk to them, they would reach out to me (granted we didn’t for 2 months but still), so I guess, based on experiences, where should I maybe go from here regarding it?

  1. Wait. Just wait to see IF they took to heart what you said…and if they were sincere in the fact they need to reach out more. IF they do – cool. If not – then sadly, you know the answer.

    I have a guy friend who I grew up with – that has been flakey for years. He goes hot/cold on a regular basis and it is so frustrating! I saw him recently and he admitted he isn’t consistent and why…and that others have accused him of the same (go figure). He promised to reach out more. Surprise…he hasn’t! LOL. Granted we are adults, we have lives, we have things that keep us busy…BUT his behavior is enough for me to walk away. It isn’t worth my time.

  2. So it seems this friend does have a little trouble keeping in contact with others, so it isn’t just you. Regarding this friendship, you should keep up those occasional face to face interactions. Trust me, your friend will appreciate it and it will make you stand out considerably. Either way, now is the time to be genuinely busy in your life focusing on your goals and hobbies while interacting with other people on the side. In general, people are hardwired to be repulsed by neediness and desperation and instead gravitate towards those who are self confident and well rounded in life. They want to see active confirmation of you actually doing something in your life other than just talking to them. So chase excellence, not people.

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