I’ve never broken up with anybody before. Always been the dumpee – which has suited me fine.

But things are getting bad in my relationship. Both our mental health isn’t great at the moment, mine by family circumstance, hers chemically… she’s got severe ADHD and depression.

I know this thing isn’t forever, it’s too hard, and it’s been a year and a half and it’s starting to feel harder and harder to keep things going on my end. Though she’s a good person at her core, she’s got a lot of issues and she’s one of the reasons I think my self-confidence is at an all time low.

She constantly shits on my clothing to the point where sometimes I just don’t wanna go out. She doesn’t like my jewelry choices. My haircut. She doesn’t really listen or ask me questions. I have to remind her constantly to ask me about my day and when I’m telling her she doesn’t engage or listen – because of the severe ADHD… but still, that shit is exhausting and makes me feel like what’s the point in telling her anything?

Anyway, it doesn’t feel right just to do it randomly one day, when, by all intents and purposes, my GF probably has very little idea that I’m feeling this way. I can put on a hell of a show. I don’t like making people uncomfortable, it’s a fault.

Need OUT of a relationship but don’t know how. I know this has been asked before, but I would love some anecdotes from you guys about know how you actually initiated your break up? Did you plant seeds beforehand? Or just pull the band-aid right off?

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