I’m an older dude, late 40s, pushing 50s soon. I’m tired of dicking around with dating sites, playing stupid hot/cold games, hard to get bullshit, and general emotionally unavailable due to divorces, break ups, or just general distrust in men. I just want to find someone who, like me, is done being single and wants someone steady in their life, but equally tired of the games. Someone who, like me, is looking for “their person”.

I don’t do “Insta”, I work, come home, eat dinner, and usually winding down by 9:30pm.
I do the normal routines as a single guy during my free time… groceries, random errands, beach, boating, pool, etc. Church on Sundays. Then getting ready for the week.
So what kind of approach techniques can you guys recommend? I am especially curious to get the ladies’ takes on this. I don’t do clubs, my social circle is close but small, and all married with lives of their own.

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