I’ve realized that when other people become sad or distressed around me I tend to become very overly assuring and problem solving and even when I’m trying to actively listen to someone needs, I can never really figure out the best ways to help them?

I think I may be struggling with some empathy issues (I’m Autistic and grew up in a very unstable house where I was very parentified, I’m only mentioning this because I think it may be a contributor to why I feel like this)

I can never just be normal in situations like these and it bothers me because I don’t feel like I end up truly helping the person in distress

For example, me and my bf were playing a dinosaur game together and one of his Dino’s died, he’s a very sweet and emotional person, and ended up getting very upset over its death, and, beyond making a little tombstone for the dino I had no idea what else to do to help him and he was in clear distress still, a little while later he pointed out how he could tell his emotional state made me uncomfortable and, while I wasn’t trying too seem that way, I was, because I had no idea what to do or even say

I’m also now distressed over learning this about myself and also, have no idea how to deal with it 😭
Any advice?

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