TLDR: Seeking advice for rejecting the invitations of a friendly stranger who wants to hangout/travel together

So I am traveling right now, and I met someone else during a tour that I did. She was “nice”, but I just didn’t vibe with her, and neither did my partner. She was very quick to invite us to have lunch together and even travel to another country together (like literally within the first few minutes of conversation). She never left an easy out, so we felt obligated to accept the request to get lunch.

A group of us went and at the end we all exchanged contact information. She contacted me the next day asking if I planned to go to a tourist site that I previously told her I was going to with some friends. I didn’t know how to answer without being put in a weird position to reject her, so I just never opened the message. I neverrrr ghost people bc it feels so rude and I’d rather sacrifice my comfort to preserve feelings, but I did this time. I felt so bad, but I don’t know what the best alternative is?

I expect an answer could be “be straightforward and say you don’t want to sightsee together”, but it feels incredibly rude to be blunt like that. Any tips?

  1. Its better to just say “hey youre a really nice girl, but i dont see this becoming a friendship” is like the best thing, its rude to just go with her, spend time and just not liking it. Ghosting is also rude. Straight forward might be a bit painful to do but its like best to show her where it goes to.
    So better just tell her, just dont waste each others time 🙂

  2. If you wanted to maximally preserve feelings the best option would be to say something along the lines of how you “agreed” to do the trip with close family/friends and that while you don’t have much against her you’d prefer to mainly keep it in that circle of familiarity as that was how you had envisioned the trip.

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