TLDR: My fiance and I are supposed to get married in 30 days but she can’t decide if she wants to get married.

Some backstory… Late 2022 I (25M) got engaged and life was great, I had a great job, was great financially and building wealth, just moved into a nice place that I got for a steal, had my dream car. Then early last year things took a turn.

My abusive parents were not fans of not being the center of attention tried to manipulate me, filed a restraining order under false pretenses, lost me my job (story for another time that I’ve shared elsewhere on Reddit if u wanna dig for it) and since then the past year has just been rough I’ve been financially unstable and building back up my income and savings and basically starting my career over from one but late last year I finally started to get to a better place. My fiancé (20F) and I have had it rough but we’ve weathered everything that’s been thrown at us and our relationship grew stronger and we grew closer… Until last month… My fiancés parents suck I’m sorry but I am NOT looking forward to having them as my in-laws I’ve been trying to get a job provide for myself, their worries were my financial status which is understandable, last year I took a hit but not one I can’t get out of, especially cause I’ve made a financial plan and am religiously sticking to it. They pressured me to the point I started to panic and have anxiety attacks about it. I’ve been so concerned about finances I made a bunch of REALLY hard decisions. I let my car get repossessed cause I couldn’t afford it and am getting a beater in cash. found a job at a supermarket that I hate that I have to walk an hour to get to at 4am cause some money is better than no money. But her parents are worried STILL now whether for right or wrong they’ve overstepped they took it too far when they tried to control my finances and told my fiance to get a prenup, and started to actively sabotage our relationship. Meanwhile my fiancé had a conversation with them late February where they said she shouldn’t get married to me and every since then my fiancé has been “So overwhelmed with anxiety that she can’t make a choice” (her words) she started an internship in January and was REALLY stressed, she keeps saying “My life is great it’s you I’m worried about” but I’ve never seen her like this. At first even with all that stress we stuck together and were strong but now she works full time as a phlebotomist, comes home, plays video games, and argues with me.

The last 2 months have been miserable she’s been worried and one moment will say she doesn’t want to get married right now and when we first had that conversation I said “Ok I don’t want to force you to get married so let’s make the move and start canceling stuff” and she says “No I don’t want to cause I might change my mind” but we’re THIRTY DAYS AWAY then yesterday she said “You just do everything I’ll just show up” which is REALLY unfair then 20 minutes later we announced our registry but immediately said she’s still unsure! Like BRO DEPOSITS WILL BE GONE SOON!. For some reason It kinda peaked this morning where I woke up dreading going to work tomorrow, barely got sleep, and called her (we wake each other up sometimes idk why it’s a habit we got into cause we live a part and it USED to be really helpful we’re religious and so we’d start with a prayer but that’s gone out the window) her response was just… Idk heartless and soulless like she’d given up. Recently she’s been so worried and anxious and yesterday said “I don’t want to lose you but I’m so filled with anxiety I cannot make a move”. We kind of realized recently that she may have an avoidant attachment disorder too and it’s really begun to manifest here. She’s stopped planning, her parents have stopped planning, her bridesmaids are now coming to me, we’re in a HUGE church community where everyone is expecting to come out for this wedding (Like… 250 people) her mom STILL tells people we’re getting married while actively working against us meanwhile I’m working a job I hate JUST to appease her parents who I don’t even like.

I don’t want to break up but the past month has been so miserable I don’t know what else to do. And all this planning to break up of even push things feels like a waste of time at this point and part of me is letting me ego get in the way as well, but everyone, She’s the one… I know that’s corny but I’m someone who actually used to pride myself on being a heartbreaker in the past, like the “Player” who’s not afraid to be a rolling stone type before I met her I would’ve run long before this but she makes life worth it, I am so madly in love with her. She saved my life and stood by me in a time when if the rolls were reversed I can’t say 100% I’d have stayed she’s the most beautiful woman in the world who I want to be with forever.

We’ve been together almost 2 years and it has never EVER been this hard. Her parents have always been critical and I have no right to judge mine are narcissistic manipulators who physically attacked me with a hatchet when I told them I’m choosing her so who am I to judge.

I NEED HELP what do I do? Do I break up with her? Push the wedding? Give an ultimatum? I think she’s under a lot of stress every relationship has its red flags and she has a few and I definitely do but we’ve worked on them and addressed it in premarital counseling. She’s the love of my life up until recently everything has indicated life with her would be great but now… I just don’t know PLEASE any advice would be helpful at this point.

  1. Cancel the wedding for now. You need to figure out what’s going on in your relationship first.

    Your fiancée is very young, and you got engaged when she was a teenager. It’s not surprising that she’s unsure what she wants.

  2. You are so young, she is SO young, and there is no need to rush. Postpone the wedding. Figure out your job and car and living situation. Stop putting pressure on yourself and on your fiancée.

    Also, consider this: maybe her parents don’t want her (and by extension you) to make a mistake here. I know how it feels to have parents who are against a marriage: I got married at 20 and my parents begged me to wait. I thought at the time they were just being critical…now I have children in their 20s and I can absolutely see they were trying to stop me from rushing into things. I wish I had listened.

    All that to say: it’s possible you can salvage a relationship with her parents. Sit down with them, tell them you love their daughter but want to hear their concerns, and then ask for their advice. Might they be terrible about it? Maybe. But it’s possible that they’ll appreciate the maturity that took, and you can build a healthy relationship with them.

    Good luck. I hope you work it all out in time.

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