I’ve been noticing that in my mid-large city (Glasgow) the vast majority of people my age (early 30s) are mostly focused on career and building a private life with their partner. I compare this with what I hear from I know over in America who say that, while not the majority, places like NYC or the Bay Area or Denver are full of 25-40s who are involved in all kind of cool, creative and most importantly *social* projects – housing cooperatives, hang-out hobbyst creative hubs. They often cultivate larger networks of people that their immediate close friendship group is encased in, being open to creating new connections still. Rather than what I see in the UK – people carefully keeping their relationships separate and in a best case scenario an isolated group of friends that still occasionally hang out as a break from just spensing time with one partner.

How does the situation look like in your region? I know the thing I see in the uk is likely to be the more common thing everywhere, but what I’m interested in is whether the alternative I described can even be found where you are.

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