Idk if this is love bombing or not but i haven’t seen him for like 4 months up until a couple days ago. I had seen him for 3 days in a row and slept over for 2 nights during that. He was being super lovey dovey and was saying he loved me and how we can fix our problems of communication and everything. And I haven’t seen him since yesterday morning from the 3 days in a row. when I left yesterday morning for school and he told me he didn’t have gas. So later in the day he asks me for my door dash so I was assuming he just wanted to make extra cash. But then I find out he went out later on and then when I try calling him later in the night he doesn’t pick up the phone call but he texts me back. Then the following day which is today he doesn’t respond to me all day. And then he responded tonight. I tried calling him and he didn’t pick up again and hasn’t responded to the last texts I sent him. What do I say to him.. and why is he like this. It felt so real.

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