What is the most unusual date you have been on?

  1. wasn’t actually my date haha. a friend roped me into trivia night with a group. ended up being a first date w some dude and 2 of her ex flings/things… one of them figured out it was a date, the other was competing for her attention against the main dude. the other people in the group (my friends) were flabbergasted at the group dynamic… strange night. live laugh love LOL

  2. This was in 2015 or 2016 when I was on the dating app scene. I matched with a guy on Tinder and we met up for a drink at a local restaurant. I wasn’t particularly looking for something serious – a cute face, a funny personality, and some easy conversation.

    But when this guy showed up, he seemed energetic and high of something. As soon as he finished his beer, he asked if I wanted to go back to his place and said “I have cocaine and a hot tub.” 🫣

  3. My husband brought me to a crematorium for a date once. I love him. It was one of the most interesting dates I’ve ever been on.

  4. Lol fuck. Be me. 17. Planned to get dinner and see a movie. He asked me to drive to a random parking lot so he could pick me up from there. (??) But ok. He picks me up. Holden Commodore with Kylie Minogue blaring. Strange. Get in and try to say hi. Interrupted by “I’m starving!” Rude but ok. Excited to have a nice dinner. He drives to Hungry Jacks drive thru and orders himself a meal. Doesn’t ask me if I’m hungry. Thinking maybe he wants a snack OTW. He doesn’t ask me a single question or pay me any attention. He is busy singing along to Kylie Minogue. Fuck sake. He drives back to parking lot and parks next to my car. Stuffs his face with a whopper. Looks at me and says “this has been fun, you’re really hot”. I get the fuck out. I block him immediately. I drive home in utter disbelief. The cringe. Oh god the cringe. I feel it seven years later.

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