That thought kinda came to me when i was asking my european self for the hundreth time: “Who buys this?” before seeing the “Factor75” products (as example), which are TV dinners, right?

They seem to be successfull and people actually believe the youtubers when they say: “My partner and I usually cook together but now i dont have to eat their shitty food anymore and we can save on… time?”

Like… you are a full time youtuber… you probably have enough time to cook

Sorry if you feel like this is the wrong Sub, but TV dinners are something I perceive as uniquely American and i just need to who the target Demographic for these products are.

EDIT: I am not trying to say “Murica Bad”, really. I just want to know about TV dinner and current sponsorships. And it seems like you guys perceive them as “normal”, which is very interesting

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