We have been together for almost an year now.We had a small argument, which was literally nothing. Basically we were supposed to meet at his place after a week. We ended up having differences with regards to time and this really pissed him off. In the end I compromised and was ready to come at his time. But he just canceled the plan altogether.

I called him, and even texted him mutiple time to resolve things. But he wouldn’t just talk to me properly, and would keep saying “I don’t care”. In the end he stoppped responding to my calls and my messages. I asked him if he wants to resolve the issues “he said no” over the text.

Its been a day since that happened. I didnt call or text him once he stopped responding. But I am so upset, I don’t understand what were this relationships stand. I cant take no replies or him hanging up my call anymore, so I don’t wanna call.

I dont know whats need to be done here.

tl;dr: Bf is gone no contact after an argument.

  1. There has obviously been something brewing up for a while now, likly unknownst to you. This little thing was just a catalyst to spark whatever it is that he is now clinging onto.

    But shutting you out is not okay and you shouldn’t stand for it. I’d text him “I understand you are upset but I am not clear on specifically what – it would really be nice if you could tell me what it is. It hurts me a lot that you are stonewalling me right now and it’s putting me in a state of anxiety. If space is what you want or you want to end things – please let me know.”

    That’s all I’d say and if he continued I’d likly just end things this is unacceptable if it is over a trivial scenario like you described.

  2. Something tells me this “small argument, which was literally nothing” is one more “small thing” that has been building up in his brain, and now he’s just done.

    Or your boyfriend is just immature and thinks that giving your the silent treatment will lead to some grand apology for everything he feels you’ve ever done wrong.

    Either way … I’d just leave it be, assume it’s a break up, and move on with my life. If he calls or texts in the future: “Oh, I figured we broke up, so I’ve moved on — if you want your stuff, I’ll box it up and leave it by the door for you to pick up while I’m at work.”

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