I met this amazing hot sweet guy about an year ago, I felt his energy right away and I was sure that we would be a good fit. I know that he found me attractive too because he reached to me on a message, expressing that he would like to see me. We have been out on few dates in the last 2 months and we got very close physically, haven’t had sex yet, because I’m trying to wait with that, but we have been very close to that. I think that we are having really good time together, we share the same hobbies and sense of humour.
The problem is that he doesn’t seem to be be that much into me as I am into him – the communication goes slow, he does not express much emotions towards me. It goes days in between every message, sometimes he doesnt answer until the next day. I have asked him if he is seeing other girls, he answered- no and that he have been single for a while.
Few weeks ago I got a message in which he expressed that he likes me a lot, “even a bit too much” so he “got a bit scared” and felt like he needed to slow down. That message came after we had a really romantic Valentines-day in the park when we kissed for the first time. That got me very confused, I thought that he simply doesn’t find me as attractive as he did at first so i was ready to count my losses and go on with my life. But for some reason he kept on wanting to see me after that, and when we are in the same room he never takes his eyes away from me, and seaks my physical contact all the time. I’m trying to stay cool and not put any pressure on him, and not reveal that I am really deeply in love with him, but I am burning inside and I suffer, because I think about him all the time.
I realise that he is probably avoiding commitment and doesn’t want to rush into a relationship, maybe he hesitates if I am a right match for him. But then why keep me warm?
Is there anything I can so to provoke more affection from him?
Just for the record- don’t mean to sound immodest but for better picture – people say that I am quite good looking, I am well fit because I’m a Latin dancer. Also I am kind by nature and have a pleasant presence (people say ☺️)
Thanks in advance, any advice would help ❤️

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