My gf (19f) and I (21M) will be moving in together in less than a week. We have been dating for quite some time.

We don’t really argue about much just small stuff here or there. I don’t see where arguments would come up other than maybe me leaving the toilet seat up and maybe being slightly messier than her (Nothing crazy).

Another point of contention is she will be working during day shift hours at her job, and I just got a promotion to the Afternoon shift Supervisor. We will have around 5 hours a day to spend together (not counting sleep) until I can eventually work my way back up to dayshift.

I’m honestly just looking for any pieces of advice or tips that anyone can provide, moving in with her is a completely new journey that we’re both extremely excited for, this is the first time either of us have lived with anyone else (not counting family), and its her first time not living with her family.

TL;DR: Looking for advice for a couple moving in together.

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