I was raised by one single teenage mom. My Dad loved me until I was 7 y.o…. then he got weird with me. Neither one could ever stretch themselves to put me before themselves. I was definitely neglected, not cared for in the usual way of a young child. I was definitely abused. No one noticed. Or at least pretended not to notice. As it turns out, I am an incredibly strong individual. Still, I am definitely maladapted. Bulimia, hyperviligent especially about my three children. I am highly critical of my own self. I am able to do anything and everything alone. Extremely well. My self esteem is very very delicate. At 55 years old, I am not choosing to go back into disordered eating. I cannot stand being fat. I can’t even imagine someone loving me for exactly who I am. Also, I write beautiful poetry, and extremely good at my job. I just remain maladapted.

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