-if you do share those things, I’m sure most guys don’t.

  1. Nothing at all. Although my female best friend does share a lot of details. Are women more open with that?

  2. I don’t share details involving other people about my sex life with anyone. Sex is a private thing that should remain between the two people enacting it, unless the other person specifically gives permission for you to talk about it to others, but even then… That’s none of their business.

  3. “Hey how was your date?”

    “She was really cool, and hot. Went well”

    “You get laid”

    “Ya, she was great. Fun and Stacked ”


    That is about the most intimate a conversation as I’ve had about a ONS with a guy friend.

    Now my female friends? They’re asking angles and inches to the degree for some reason.

    Most I’ll say when I’m in a relationship is “I’m a lucky man.” More often than not.

  4. When I was a younger guy before I got married me and my immature friends shared all of that stuff. I don’t ever do that now

  5. Usually it goes like this (at least in my group of friends):

    “-So did you take her home?


    -Was it good?


    -Cool. So I watched this movie… ”

    None of us are interested in the details to be honest. Unless some weird or funny shit happened, that is.

  6. My best friend of many years just had a child, birth was sometime this year, it’s a boy, that’s all I know.

    details about each others lives isn’t the first priority for us, when we hang out. So if I just only know that his kid of a boy, you can imagine how little info we share when it comes to hookups and girlfriends.

  7. You get laid with that girl. Yes or no. Cool good for you or ah another time then.

  8. Men don’t share details and we don’t appreciate the details women go into with their friends.

  9. None. I don’t tell them anything.

    Sometimes they ask, but I don’t kiss and tell.

    In the past women were much more discreet. You were much more likely to be a long-term “sneaky link” if you could keep your mouth shut.

    Nowadays, it may not matter as much because women are openly sexually permissive. Some may still appreciate a discreet man.

    Not to mention other men could be your biggest haters and cockblockers. Jealous of your relationships and purposely try to ruin them. I’ve had that happen. I’m certainly not going to help them by telling them anything.

  10. I will divulge any weird or funny events that happened. Other than that, naddah.

  11. The story of how it happened is much more detailed than the actual sex, which may not be described at all unless she does something unusually freaky or well.

    For us the hunt is a lot more interesting than the meal.

  12. The one night stand I have holds my CDs and some bathroom stuff and they can borrow that at any time lol

  13. Guys don’t share much in terms of details, with the exception of a girl not having a gag reflex.

  14. None at all! Because we know that no guy/dude would ask this question coz they already know the answer!

  15. ”Had sex”

    *”How was it”*



    That’s about it. I don’t want no details from others, nor do I want to share them. I’m extremely visual and have zero appetite for unwillingly picturing my friends in such positions, and as for me sharing, I consider sex to be a very intimate thing and what happens during stays between me and said woman.

  16. Not me, but i usually hear about funny endings. One girl had a seizure and broke his nose. Another guy just didn’t likebthe girls bed, but didn’t want to hit and quit it, so he had to make up an elaborate atory just to go home.

  17. Men don’t share details about sex in the same way women tend to.

    We just acknowledge that we had sex and that’s about it.

  18. Nothing much. That it happened and thats it. They dont need to know the nittt grit of it. It weirds me out if they get nosey about it

  19. I only share the nitty gritty with this young cat at work. He’s ten years younger than me and he loves my war stories. He’s also far enough removed from my social circles that it doesn’t matter what he knows.

  20. If something astounding happened maybe. Like if we shared a new experience or she was absolutely mind-blowing then maybe?? I might share stuff years later when talking about sexual experiences.

  21. I don’t share any details more than ‘it happened. It was good’. They don’t ask.

    I am much less vanilla than my friend so details would be lost on them anyway.

    But my girl friends, oh boy, they keep asking for every single detail and won’t shut up as long as I don’t throw them a bone…

  22. Mostly just that it happened. If something crazy went down like she wanted me to spit in her mouth or she let me put it in her bum then we might mention it but that’s about it fam

  23. That I did.

    There’s really nothing else to share.

    I’m not gonna tell my dude pals that afterwards we had snacks in bed while watching cartoons, then I went down on her again, and we fucked again.

    Because dudes, I don’t think, want to know all that.

  24. I share almost nothing about my dates with my guy friends but I have a girl friend and she loves hearing all the details. She asks the most intrusive questions too. If she knows I have a date on Friday, she’ll be texting me by 9am Saturday. She also loves oversharing about her dates too.

  25. I had one. They may ask if it was good.

    One of three possible responses.

    Yes. Eh. No.

    They usually answer with a grunt. Then back to whatever activity.

    Early in my sex life, I discovered women are MUCH more graphic in their gossiping.

    A girl who I knew, knew the girl I slept with and drunkenly let it slip during a conversation. Well, I was a bit surprised how many details she knew.

    So, I took that as a , better do good, or a lot of prospective partners will know you suck and I didn’t want that.

  26. It was nice during but odds are you’ll feel empty after. She left within an hour after the deed was done and post-nut clarity had me questioning if it was the right choice.

    It doesn’t help in my case I was promised a relationship when she really just wanted an orgasm.

  27. My wife is absolutely BAFFLED about how much men don’t share with other men about their sex lives. I’ve legit had this conversation from both ends.

    1: “Yall fuck?”
    2: “Yeah bro”
    1: “That’s what’s up”

  28. if it was a ONS with someone i never plan to ever see again… details might come out.

    if it was a ONS with someone i might see again or that im really attracted to, my friends won’t hear a word.

  29. “I plunged my raging, tumescent manhood into her wanting lady bits. She rode me like a crashing wave, her delightful bosom on full display. Crashing into one another, the night faded quickly into a bliss neither of us had ever known. I had hoped, given the smile on her face that she would wave her hourly stipend but alas, she took my $200 along with my heart. And I got crabs.”

  30. Yeah, the more you talk, the less the universe rewards you. I learned this very early on. Stfu and enjoy your sex.

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