I’m a high schooler with a 6-month relationship with my girlfriend , so I’m just wondering how it is out in the real world. Also this is a kinda serious question

  1. Selfishness mostly.

    Anything goes in high-school though. All those hormones make serious relationships quite a bit more complicated.

  2. Being neglected will often cause wandering eyes, and not everyone is able to control themselves in the face of attention / temptation from someone else

  3. Because he wants to break up but is too much of a coward to actually do it so he cheats and when he gets caught and she dumps him, he ultimately gets what he wants.

  4. The need to make a connection with another human. Unfulfilled needs. Sex that isn’t interesting to either party. Sexual trauma that causes nymphomania.

    High school is definitely a free pass though.

  5. I’d say lack of empathy and having many problems in their relationship.

  6. The need to make a connection with another human. Unfulfilled sexual needs. Sex that isn’t interesting to either party. Sexual trauma that causes nymphomania. Human biology that isn’t designed around monogamy.

    High school is definitely a free pass though.

  7. When his spouse isn’t showing him love and affection, when trust is broken, if she cheats on him, etc. the list of reasons is long. Doesn’t mean it’s right.

  8. When hes got to much women throwin themselves at him. It takes alot of disipline to reject women. After that is when the women is no longer invested on the relationship and the man left high and dry.

  9. Why do you assume that it’s the guy? Many of us have the opposite experience in early relationships.

  10. Lack of sex in relationships will be no1 issue. Many times partners will refuse or not want to be intimate frequently. Not everyone waits forever. If you dont show this form of affection to your partner someone else will.

  11. Cheating is a massive red flag that something is not working in the relationship… almost always. And it does not automatically have to mean separation, if both want to put in the time and effort and counseling to fix what was broken (first) and slowly rebuild trust again.

    If you have urges to cheat, it’s time for heartfelt discussion with your partner. Admit you’ve been having some desire or thoughts of cheating and want to fix it with partners help because you love them and want to be with them. And… counseling is again an excellent idea.

    Note: Not everyone is mature enough to have that conversation, but if you can, and if even though it is an uncomfortable conversation you can work together to fix things, that can serve to bring you closer.

    I’ve mucked up this explanation some but the main ideas are there so I’ll still post it. Sorry it I lack the energy right now to do better.

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