Context: We have been together for about 6 months, and have lived together for 1 month.

For months we had talked about him moving here. There was no exact date planned, just really a dream. Then, he went into work one day and quit his job, left his car at his parents, and moved in with me. (He didn’t have a good relationship with his parents, didn’t even tell them he left) I felt a little anxious about the situation but chalked it up to the trauma from my previous relationship.

Our relationship hasn’t been the best from the start. He is very possessive and jealous. I thought this would get better with us being together. Since he moved in, we have done nothing but fight. He currently has no car, no job, and knows maybe a handful of people in the area. This means he’s here 24/7. He barely does anything around the house, just plays video games all day. When I get home from work he wants to be clingy and I get no personal space or alone time anymore. If I ask for some, he gets upset.

He picks fights over if I’m not home when he expects me to be, accuses me of cheating and not being attracted to him constantly, and just other little things. I constantly feel anxious and don’t enjoy being at my house anymore.

What should I do? If I end the relationship where will he go, how will he get there, and what do I do while he packs up all of his stuff? In the past he’s tried to guilt me with the “I treat you like a queen” “look at all I do for you” in the past. I have trouble with setting boundaries and am a professional people pleaser. He uprooted his life, and now I want to end things and I feel terrible.

TL;DR – My bf moved states to be with me and now has no car or job, but after picking constantly fights, I fear our relationship might need to end. How do I handle this?

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