I got told that I smile too much today at work and it feels like they told me I’m ugly. In the same breath though, I was told that I need to open up because I don’t talk enough. I don’t have anything in common with any of them and they wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with me outside of work. I am just trying to fit in so I smile and am friendly with them.

If my smiling is a problem, why in the hell should I open up to them and be judged? I just found out that I’m being judged over something I didn’t even realize was a problem.

How can I stop smiling so much? Do I just go cold on everyone now? I’m not happy, I’m mostly doing it to make others feel comfortable around me.

edit: I should clarify that I’m a guy. I work with a lot of women who tend to be pretty happy/bubbly so maybe I’m just feeding off of their energy? They are judging me for it though so I want to stop.

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