My boyfriend usually works Monday-Thursday… sometimes Friday 10hrs each day. We also live an hour away. So I only get to see him on the weekends. Going into the relationship I knew that he did work a very good job and he has a amazing attitude towards working. For maybe the past month, i’ve started to notice some slight changes in him. Again because we only see each other on the weekends I really value our time together. I LOVE to just stay in bed with him some weekends to chill. But he has stopped taking me out and doing the little things he used to. He will sleep… and be super rude if I try to just wake him up even when he told me to. I will ask him if he wants to go do anything, and sometimes i even recommend things that we could do for free! like a game night or a walk to get us out. he always says no, and i’ve been noticing though, he can’t stay or want to plan things or even go out for a walk but he will stay up till 2 to play his video games.

TL: DR – My boyfriend (M20) has been too tired to want to take me (F20) out or even leave the house. But it’s never a problem for him to stay up and play the game till 2am. We only see each other on the weekends, so I really value this time. How would you approach this situation?

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