I entered my new school a couple years back and I’m now realising I’m a really lonely floater friend. In my previous school I had 2 really vlose friends who shared my interest and would always feel like a necessary part of the group and that everyone was equal. In this school the first few years I didn’t deal with loneliness cause of covid and the quiet stage right after but now I truly feel it.

Nobody in this new school shares my interests, the school is generally small and I have found no one who likes the same things as me. I have kept contact with my friends from the previous school but stuff gets in the way of contacting them properly. When I’m in school I bounce around a few friend group that might share one thing I like but I’m never actually in the conversation, I would be talking loudly and nobody will notice and it feels like whenever I do something wrong in any of these friend group I am ripped apart for it and not even playfully.

I have no real friends.

I have a half good time when I’m wih these groups but whenever I recall these times I feel like crap because I realise how left out I truly was. I also live in a small country and not too much light is ever shun on my interests.

I am a social introvert without close friends and it hurts.

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