I feel sad… he was never satisfied and I was not enough for him… I never expected a hurtful comments like this from someone close to me…any girl wants to hear that her partner likes her body even if it is not attractive… he was talking as if he was noticing my body for the first time
this broke my heart so much and I feel like i’m stuck in this relationship

  1. First off, you’re not stuck in anything. That’s just what difficult things look like. It will be hard. And depending on your circumstances REALLY hard. And maybe even SUPER hard. But you wouldn’t be the first person to pull out of that kind of nose dive.

    Second off: fuck that dude. If that’s how they wanna talk to you, bounce.

  2. You deserve a partner who celebrates and worships your body. Everyone deserves that

  3. This hurts to read, any man (or woman of course) who truly loves you will accept and adore who you are and how you look. You are definitely not stuck in the relationship, it may feel so hard to let go but any person that truly cherishes you will never hurt you like that or try to do anything that could potentially hurt your self esteem. You deserve someone who adores how you look and there’s definitely someone out there that will.

  4. I’m pretty sure there is nothing wrong with your body.

    I have no idea what you look like, but I’m pretty confident it is one deserving of love and praise.

    Chin up!

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